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Umbrella Stand
Umbrella Stand

Giá đỡ ô

Mô hình: TT-1024

  • Tổng quan
  • Tính năng
  • Yêu cầu
  • Những sản phẩm tương tự

Giá đỡ ô thép trắng retro

Tại sao chọn chúng tôi
Thời gian thành lập1998
Khu vực nhà xưởng20106
Dây chuyền sản xuất6+
Nhân viên công ty300+

Sự ổn định: Stability is a crucial aspect of an umbrella stand, ensuring that even heavy or unwieldy umbrellas remain upright without tipping over. The base is typically weighted or designed with a wide footprint to provide a sturdy foundation, minimizing the risk of accidents or damage to surrounding furniture or floors.

Bảo trì dễ dàng: Most umbrella stands are designed for easy cleaning and maintenance. The removable tray or drainage system allows for quick and effortless emptying of collected water, while the exterior surfaces can often be wiped down with a damp cloth for regular cleaning.

Độ bền: Made from materials such as rust-resistant metals, sturdy plastics, or durable ceramics, umbrella stands are crafted to withstand regular use and exposure to moisture. This ensures long-lasting performance and minimal wear and tear over time.

Khả năng: Depending on the model, umbrella stands can vary in their capacity to hold multiple umbrellas. Some feature multiple slots or compartments, allowing for organized storage of several umbrellas at once, perfect for busy households or workplaces.

Một giá đỡ ô thép trắng thực tế theo phong cách nghệ thuật và cổ điển với 2 móc để sử dụng tại nhà.

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